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Preparation for Fine Arts

Face to face / online (out of Istanbul)

Our aim: to prepare students for the faculties of fine arts of all universities in Turkey and abroad during the preparatory period; Portfolio file studies, including fine arts high school entrance studies, is to work with young people to be successful.

Basic knowledge studies:

Composition placement ratio drawings by looking/imagining with pencil drawings, tone, light/shadow, people/space, perspective drawings…

Duration: must be at least 12-16 weeks (1-2 days per week)

Face to face / online (out of Istanbul)

portfolio studies

watercolor, dry paint (aquarel) color, pastel paint, technical and file drawings, art history, especially for foreign universities; formation, art terminology information transfers…

Call us to be among the winners by participating in the preparatory work for fine arts (high school/university)… With our experience and knowledge from past years, it is up to you to BE SUCCESSFUL by studying the exam questions of state and private universities, which are asked in 1-2 stages…

Visuals from student works in the workshop;
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